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How to Remove the Top Five Carpet Stains
Let’s face it, it is bound to happen to all of us at one time or another. You take every precaution to protect your carpet in hopes that no accidents or carpet stains will ever occur and compromise its beautiful appearance, and in an instant, a mishap occurs with a sippy cup of Kool-Aid, drop of blood, or your beloved pet that just could not hold it any longer. What do you do but panic and frantically reach for the nearest available cloth to remove the carpet stain? Whoa – hold on and take a moment before you treat the stain! There are many ways that you can remove carpet stains, but it is to your advantage to be educated and armed with some tried and true techniques and methods to remove the top five carpet stains that can present you with a larger challenge if they are not treated with the proper care when they occur. So take a deep breath, read on and that stain will be vanished before too long!
Removing Kool-Aid Stains From Carpets
Kool-Aid can be a culprit for creating horrific carpet stains on all sorts of carpeting, however with the right treatments, you can remove Kool-Aid carpet stains from even white carpet. Follow the steps below to remove the tough carpet stains caused by the colored beverage:
First, always gently blot the stain with a dry white towel. Never rub the stain as this can make it more difficult to remove the carpet stain entirely and could lead to saturation to the carpet pad.
You can try a mixture of white vinegar, Dawn dish soap, and water in a spray bottle. Use 1/4 cup of white vinegar, 1 tbsp. of Dawn dish soap, and fill with water. Spray area liberally and let soak for 5-10 minutes and then proceed with blotting with a clean, dry towel until stain is removed.
Some carpet stain removal products can be of great benefit for combating many types of carpet stains. These include BISSELL® Carpet Cleaning Formulas, RESOLVE® Carpet Cleaners, and even OxiClean® for stained carpets. If the stain is a stubborn one, use these as directed and then repeat with the vinegar spritz method until the stain has vanished. (Be sure to test a small area of the carpet to assure there will be no reaction or negative impact from using any of these substances.)
Removing Pet Stains From Carpet
Many pet owners are faced with the challenge of cleaning up a mess (or a special surprise) from their adored pet. This can be frustrating to say the least. But alas there are methods and substances that can rid the odour acquainted with these types of accidents, and remove the carpet stains entirely. Here are some tips to remove pet stains from carpet:
First, clean up the initial mess. If there is debris on the carpet, pick it up with gloves and dispose of it. If it is wet, simply use the blot method to soak up the moisture without smearing or rubbing. Blot repeatedly until the carpet is almost dry to the touch and carpet stain is removed.
In the event the stain has already dried on the carpet fibres, the best way to treat this type of carpet stain is to moisten it. Then apply a carpet stain cleaning product specifically formulated for pet stains.
To neutralize the odour and spot, you may need to try several different tactics. Try using white vinegar (you may also substitute white vinegar for white wine) to perform this action. Simply mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with a quart of warm water and spritz on the stain. Allow the vinegar spray to soak for several minutes and then proceed with the blot technique until stain is gone and spot is dry.
Another method that can rid pet stains effectively from carpet is to mix a quart of water with a stain-fighting laundry detergent in a spray bottle, then spray it on the spot. Allow this mixture to soak for a few minutes, then blot, rinse with warm water, and repeat as neceassary.
Removing Coffee Stains From Carpet
Coffee carpet stains can leave a carpet looking filthy if not treated properly. This noticable yellowish-brown tone can easily be mistaken as an ignored pet mess. Follow these simple suggestions to remove coffee carpet stains:
Dry the spot by blotting with a dry white towel. If there is a substantial amount of spillage, make sure you are not spreading the stain even more by changing cloths as they become saturated with the beverage.
Try the mixture of vinegar, water, and a gentle, non-bleach detergent first with the spritzer method, rinse, and repeat.
There are several products that are sold in such stores as Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreen’s, and other chains that sell specific cleaners for this type of carpet stain. Always perform a patch test to assure no damage from chemicals will present themselves. Use as directed and beware some chemicals are harmful to the skin so wear gloves as a precaution when using these stain removing products.
There are certain types of carpets such as Polypropylene that will respond safely to a carpet stain treatment of water and bleach. You can prepare a mixture of 1/4 cup of bleach to 1 cup and a 1/4 of water in a spray bottle. Soak with the mixture, blot, rinse with warm water, and repeat until the carpet stain disappears.
Removing Blood Stains From Carpet
There is a lot of anxiety associated with blood stains on clothes and carpets, however the much dreaded occurrence of this accident is not as bad as it appears. With blood stain removal, you need to treat the stain as promptly as possible. As with all stains, the faster you act, the more effective the carpet stain removal method will be. There are many ways to remove carpet stains that are caused by blood. Rest assured you can be certain that after you perform the following tips, the spot will be removed to the fullest extent. Here are some methods to remove blood carpet stains:
When treating blood spots on carpets, always use cold water instead of warm or hot water. This is important because blood coagulates with heat, and cold will prevent the blood from permeating into the carpet fibres.
Fill a spritzer bottle with 2 tsp. of a grease-fighting, liquid dish detergent such as Dawn and cold water, then spray on the stain. Liberally moisten it so that the carpet stain is entirely soaked. Then use a paper towel or a dry white cloth to blot the spot so that the blood is transferred to the cloth. Rinse with cold water and repeat if necessary.
OxiClean® is bleach free and with its abilities to oxygenate most carpet stains, it is ideal for blood stains. Although OxiClean® needs warm water to be diluted, you can use cold water and mix as well as possible. Apply on the blood stained carpet using a bottle or by dropping some on the spot. Blot until dry, rinse, and repeat if necessary.
Bear in mind, removing blood stains may take persistence and combination of all these steps. After several tries, your carpet should look like new again.
Removing Ink Stains From Carpet
It is a known that ink stains can wreck havoc on fabrics and carpets, and even result in destruction without recourse. However with technology and much trial and error, there are better ways to rid ink carpet stains. With quick reflexes and a few handy household products that nasty ink stain will be removed from your carpet. Here are some effective ways to remove ink carpet stains:
Dampen a clean white cloth with isopropyl alcohol (the higher the percentage of the active ingredient, the better it will work), and then proceed by dabbing the wet cloth on the ink stained carpet. Be careful not to rub or scrub! This could cause the ink spot to spread. Let it stand for a few minutes and then use a liquid friendly vacuum to remove the excess moisture.
You may need to treat the carpet stain with the alcohol again. Also some hairsprays work, nail polish removers, and other things that contain high contents of alcohols (even white wines and vinegars may be used.)
When using any of these chemicals, rinse with water, then blot or vacuum dry until spot is dry.
Be sure to always perform a test on an inconspicuous area of the carpet to make sure these cleaning solutions will not lead to further damage on certain types of carpeting.
Final Words For Removing Stains From Carpet
Most of these techniques and procedures use household chemicals, cleaners and supplies to remove carpet stains. There are a vast amount of carpet cleaning solutions that have been specially formulated for specific types of carpet stains. If any of the above methods seem to fall short of your expectations, be sure to cheque out a local retail store that carries stain removing products to help conquer any carpet stains. Also, for additional types of stains your carpet may encounter, refer to Essgo online Spot Removal Guide for additional help under services, rug care. There are some instances when carpet stain removal home remedies are just not enough to get the carpeting stain-free. This is when a reputable, professional carpet cleaning company like Essgo can be called upon to remove ground-in dirt, stains and odours and return it to its former youth. The professionals at Essgo are experts at removing carpet stains caused by any substance or entity. When all these tactics are used in combination, even if you have to call upon the expertise of Essgo carpet cleaning professionals, you will have won the battle against the five toughest carpet stains! * The above techniques are meant to be of assistance in cleaning carpet stains. Essgo is not responsible for the outcome of the above procedures.